Conferences and organizations:



The next SDPS conference SDPS

Last year we had conferences in Spain and Norway. A workshop is planned for Norway. Due to the COVID considerations our main event for 25th anniversary was postponed from last year to probably next year



Turkish Software Engineering Symposium – Ulusal Yazılım Mühendisliği Sempozyumu

Conference site:          UYMS


Turkish Software Architecrue Conference – Ulusal Yazılım Mimarisi Konferansı




Current Research Topics


Security for Cyber-physical Systems and IoT

Variability centric software development

Variability in Component Connectors

Fault management systems – specıfıc languages, product line architecture and development

End User / No-code Development – practical framework development

Service Oriented Composition

Axiomatic Design in automated software development



Spring 2021 Research Meetings


Our research group resumed meetings on Thursday evenings, at 6 pm. Not every week! Write/call before planning to attend.