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Generated C Code for the Sample Problem

/* Darwin Program */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* Data Type Definitions */
typedef struct 
   int x; 
   int y; 
   int width; 
   int height; 
} TRectangle;

typedef struct 
   TRectangle rectangles[20]; 
   void *population; 
} TRectangles;

typedef struct 
   TRectangles individuals[100]; 
   int size; 
   float fitscores[100]; 
   void *algorithm; 
   float crossrate; 
   float mutationrate; 
   float avgfitness; 
   float minfitness; 
   float maxfitness; 
} Pop;

typedef struct 
   Pop population; 
   int generation; 
   float convergence; 
} GA;

/* Function Prototypes */
void TRectangleCrossover(TRectangle parent[], int pcount, 
       			 TRectangle child[], int *ccount) ;
void TRectangleMutator(TRectangle *gene);
void TRectanglePrinter(TRectangle *gene);
void TRectanglesInitializer(TRectangles *chrom, void *pop);
int TRectanglesEvaluator(TRectangles *chrom);
void TRectanglesCrossover(TRectangles parent[], int pcount, 
       			  TRectangles child[], int *ccount);
void TRectanglesMutator(TRectangles *chrom);
void TRectanglesPrinter(TRectangles *chrom);
void PopInitializer(Pop *pop, void *alg);
void PopEvaluator(Pop *pop);
int PopSelector(Pop *pop);
void PopReproducer(Pop *pop, Pop *newpop);
void PopMutator(Pop *pop);
void PopPrinter(Pop *pop);
void GAInitializer(GA *alg);
int GATerminator(GA *alg);
void GAReplacement(GA *alg, Pop *newpop);
void GAEvolver();
void GAPrinter(GA *alg);
void RectangleInit(TRectangle *gene);
float RectangleEval(TRectangle *gene);

/* Gene Moderator Functions */
void TRectangleCrossover(TRectangle parent[], 
       int pcount, TRectangle child[], int *ccount) 
  int crossmember; 
  int crosspoint; 

  crossmember = randomint(1, 2); 
  switch (crossmember) 
    case 1 : 
        crosspoint = randomint(1, sizeof(int)) + sizeof(int); 
        RawCopy(child[0], parent[0], 0, crosspoint - 1); 
        RawCopy(child[0], parent[1], crosspoint, sizeof(TRectangle)); 
        RawCopy(child[1], parent[0], 0, crosspoint - 1); 
        RawCopy(child[1], parent[1], crosspoint, sizeof(TRectangle)); 
    case 2 : 
       crosspoint = randomint(1, sizeof(int)) + (sizeof(int) + sizeof(int)); 
       RawCopy(child[0], parent[0], 0, crosspoint - 1); 
       RawCopy(child[0], parent[1], crosspoint, sizeof(TRectangle)); 
       RawCopy(child[1], parent[0], 0, crosspoint - 1); 
       RawCopy(child[1], parent[1], crosspoint, sizeof(TRectangle)); 

void TRectangleMutator(TRectangle *gene) 
  int selmemb; 
  int selbit; 
  int selidx; 

  selmemb = randomint(1, 2); 
  switch (selmemb) 
    case 1 : 
        selbit = randomint(0, sizeof(int)); 
        flipbit(gene->x, selbit); 
    case 2 : 
        selbit = randomint(0, sizeof(int)); 
        flipbit(gene->y, selbit); 

void TRectanglePrinter(TRectangle *gene) 
  printf("x = %d ", gene->x); 
  printf("y = %d ", gene->y); 
  printf("width = %d ", gene->width); 
  printf("height = %d ", gene->height); 

void RectangleInit(TRectangle *gene) 
  gene->x = randomint(0, 255); 
  gene->y = randomint(0, 255); 
  gene->width = randomint(0, 255 - gene->x); 
  gene->height = randomint(0, 255 - gene->y); 

float RectangleEval(TRectangle *gene) 
  if (gene->x>255 || gene->y>255) 

/* Chromosome Moderator Functions */
void TRectanglesInitializer(TRectangles *chrom, void *pop) 
  int i0; 

  for (i0 = 0; i0<20; ++i0) 
    RectangleInit(&(chrom->rectangles[i0]), chrom); 
  chrom->population = pop; 

int TRectanglesEvaluator(TRectangles *chrom) 
  int sum; 
  int i0; 
  sum = 0; 

  for (i0 = 0; i0<20; ++i0) 
   sum += RectangleEval(&(chrom->rectangles)[i0]); 


void TRectanglesCrossover(TRectangles parent[], 
       int pcount, TRectangles child[], int *ccount) 
  int crossmember; 
  int crosspoint; 

  crossmember = randomint(1, 1); 
  switch (crossmember) 
    case 1 : 
        TRectangle mchi[2]; 
        TRectangle mpar[2]; 
        int cchi; 
        int i0; 

        for (i0 = 0; i0<20; ++i0) 
          mpar[0] = parent[0].rectangles[i0]; 
          mpar[1] = parent[1].rectangles[i0]; 
          TRectangleCrossover(mpar, 2, mchi, &cchi); 
          child[0].rectangles[i0] = mchi[0]; 
          child[1].rectangles[i0] = mchi[1]; 

void TRectanglesMutator(TRectangles *chrom) 
  int selmemb; 
  int selbit; 
  int selidx; 

  selmemb = randomint(1, 1); 
  switch (selmemb) 
    case 1 : 
        selidx = randomint(0, 20); 

void TRectanglesPrinter(TRectangles *chrom) 
  int i0; 

  for (i0 = 0; i0<20; ++i0) 

/* Population Moderator Functions */
void PopInitializer(Pop *pop, void *alg) 
  int i0; 
  for (i0 = 0; i0<100; ++i0) 
    TRectanglesInitializer(&(pop->individuals[i0]), pop); 

  pop->algorithm = alg; 
  pop->size = 100; 
  pop->crossrate = 0.95; 
  pop->mutationrate = 0.05; 

void PopEvaluator(Pop *pop) 
  float sum; 
  float min; 
  float max; 
  float fitness; 
  int i; 

  pop->fitscores[0] = TRectanglesEvaluator(&(pop->individuals[0])); 
  sum = pop->fitscores[0]; 
  min = pop->fitscores[0]; 
  max = pop->fitscores[0]; 
  for (i = 1; i<100; ++i) 
     fitness = TRectanglesEvaluator(&(pop->individuals[i])); 
     pop->fitscores[i] = fitness; 
     if (fitness>max) max = fitness; 
     if (fitness<min) min = fitness; 
  pop->avgfitness = sum/100; 
  pop->minfitness = min; 
  pop->maxfitness = max; 

int PopSelector(Pop *pop) 
  int idx; 
  float dist; 
  float partsum; 
  float fullsum; 
  idx = 0; 

  fullsum = pop->avgfitness*100; 
  dist = randomfloat(0, 1)*fullsum; 
  while (partsum<dist && idx<100 ) 
    partsum += pop->fitscores[idx]; 

void PopReproducer(Pop *pop, Pop *newpop) 
  int paridx1; 
  int paridx2; 
  int i; 
  TRectangles tmppar[2]; 
  TRectangles tmpchi[2]; 
  int cchi; 

  for (i = 0; i<100; i+=2) 
     paridx1 = PopSelector(pop); 
     paridx2 = PopSelector(pop); 
     if (randomfloat(0, 1)>pop->crossrate) 
       tmppar[0] = pop->individuals[paridx1]; 
       tmppar[1] = pop->individuals[paridx2]; 
       TRectanglesCrossover(tmppar, 2, tmpchi, &cchi); 
       newpop->individuals[i] = tmpchi[0]; 
       newpop->individuals[i + 1] = tmpchi[1]; 
       newpop->individuals[i] = pop->individuals[paridx1]; 
       newpop->individuals[i + 1] = pop->individuals[paridx2]; 
  if (i<100) newpop->individuals[i] = pop->individuals[i]; 

void PopMutator(Pop *pop) 
  int i0; 

  for (i0 = 0; i0<100; ++i0) 
    if (randomfloat(0, 1) > pop->mutationrate) 

void PopPrinter(Pop *pop) 
  int i0; 

  for (i0 = 0; i0<100; ++i0) 


/* Algorithm Moderator Functions */
void GAInitializer(GA *alg) 
  PopInitializer(&(alg->population), alg); 
  alg->generation = 0; 

int GATerminator(GA *alg) 
  if (alg->generation>100) 
void GAReplacement(GA *alg, Pop *newpop) 
  alg->population = *newpop; 

void GAEvolver() 
  GA alg; 
  Pop Offspring; 
  while (!GATerminator(&alg) ) 
    PopReproducer(&(alg.population), &Offspring); 
    GAReplacement(&alg, &Offspring); 

void GAPrinter(GA *alg) 

// Extra Functions

Gokturk Ucoluk 2003-09-15