<< Teaching

CEng 783 - Deep Learning - Fall 2020

Image of the “METU Tree of Science” generated using the Deep Dream Generator.

Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Akbas; e-mail: emre at ceng dot metu.edu.tr; Office: B-208; Office hours by apppointment
Online communication: (forum, homework submissions) https://odtuclass.metu.edu.tr/
Syllabus: pdf


Late submission policy

Any work, e.g. an assignment solution, that is submitted late past its deadline will receive -10 points per day delayed. For example, if the deadline is Oct 14, 23:55 and a student submits his/her work anytime on Oct 15, that work will be evaluated over 90 instead 100.

Detailed syllabus

An important note: Lecture slides provided below are by no means a “complete” resource for studying. I frequently use the board in class to supplement the material in the slides.

NOTE: Below, links to slides and homework material are broken because I removed the files. Recent versions of these files can be found in the Fall 2021 version of the course.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Frequently Asked Questions about taking the course

I am receiving too many e-mails about taking the course. Unfortunately, I cannot reply them one by one. Below are answers to some common questions.

Q1: Can I take the course?

A1: There is a huge demand for the course from all kinds of backgrounds. Thanks. However, I have the responsibility to evaluate your learning outcomes and grade you. Therefore, I need to limit the number of seats. Based on my previous years’ experience, this limit will be around 40-45.

Since this is a graduate METU CENG course, I need to give priority for the graduate students in our department. In fact, here is the priority order that I will use to accept students to the class. From high to low priority:

I must note that the first two categories (METU CENG students) almost fill up the whole capacity. So, unfortunately, there will not be much room for the remaining two categories.

Also, precedence will be given to students who are actively doing research in machine learning and related areas. This course is not a PyTorch or Keras tutorial, we intend to go beyond the “user” level.

You might want to check out the other two DL courses given at Multimedia Informatics and Electrical Engineering departments.

Machine learning background is required. If you have not taken a machine learning course before, please do not take this course.

Fluency in Python is required.

Q2: How can I register for the course?

A2: Come to the first class. I will publicly announce the lecture link on this page. In the first class, I will collect information from the participants and then, will decide (based on my answer A1 above) on who will be able to register. This enrollment list will be announced in a couple of hours following the first class. Students listed in this enrollment list will be able to add the course during the add-drop period.

Q3: I was able to take the course during the regular interactive registration. Should I worry about not being accepted?

A3: No worries. You will stay.

Q4: Can I take this course as a special student?

A4: Possible but unlikely. Please see my answer A1 above.

Q5: The deadline for submitting special student papers is Oct 12 but your first class in on Oct 13.

A5: I know. In previous years, the deadline for submitting special student papers was the last day of the first week but this year it the first day of first week. Unfortunately, this is out of my control.

Q6: Even if I don’t officially register for the class, can I audit it?

A6: I always welcome students to just come and listen. I am thinking on how to best implement this.

Last updated on 2021-10-12. Created using pandoc.